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1.1 Introduction

Access to primary schools has improved rapidly throughout the developing world since 1990, but learning outcomes have lagged behind (World Bank, 2006). Despite the fact that it is desirable to avoid a trade-off between quantity and quality, poorly managed rapid expansion approaches can undermine improvement in learning outcomes.

In Cameroon, primary education is provided in partnership by the government, communities, parents, private entrepreneurs and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). Primary school education is designed for eight years and the official age cohort is 6 to 13 years although in some cases average children are enrolled. At this level, the government meets costs associated with teacher remunerations, supervision, inspection and management in public schools (Onsomu et al., 2004). The Government of Cameroon has heavily invested in education, given its role in spurring national development. The money spent on education has continued to go up over the years to match the increased school enrolment at all levels. In an effort to realize the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Education for All (EFA) objectives by the year 2015, the government adopted the Cameroon Education Sector Support Program (KESSP) in 2005.


1.2 Statement of the problem

Education has always been an important asset and is regarded as a key human development index. Various states and governments globally spend a large share of their budget on education sector as part of their strategy to achieve the millennium development goal of education for all (World Bank, 2006). In Cameroon, this effort is further amplified by the government’s initiative to enhance literacy through the introduction of Free and compulsory Primary education in 2002 (GoK, 2010). This is cost sharing approach where the government offer tuition and other stakeholders are also expected to make some contributions.

In the year 2010, the government increased its expenditure on education by 17% (GoK, 2010). However, despite these massive efforts, the introduction of free primary education has led to deterioration of performance in public primary schools in Africa. According to the report by UNESCO (2005), out of the 35 schools surveyed, an overwhelming majority (62.8%) of schools in sub Saharan Africa are very far from achieving the goals of education for all (EFA). In addition to the funds through the free primary education initiative, the government of Cameroon has also been funding education sector through the constituency based devolved funds referred to as constituency development fund (CDF).

According to Odhiambo (2009), the problem of poor performance is deeply rooted in management practices which will have to change if the targets in education sector are to be realized. Neagley and Evans (1970) were of the view that effective supervision of instruction can improve the quality of teaching and learning in the classroom. Absenteeism and lateness to school by pupils are reported as most assuredly related to poor performance in school (GoK, 2008). Etsey (2005) established that the effect of lateness and absenteeism and irregular school attendance is that material that is taught will be difficult to understand when studied on one’s own.

Continued missing of classes also results in stagnation and falling behind in content and knowledge learning (Odhiambo, 2009). At the institutional level, school committees and Board of Governors for primary and secondary schools should undertake management respectively. Households and communities also play a significant role in the provision and maintenance of physical infrastructure, instructional materials and equipment. The Parents associations, though not provided for in the Education Act, support the financing of the institutions (Onsomu et al., 2004). This study therefore will investigate the factors affecting the performance of primary school education in Small Mankon in Cameroon with a specific look at MEZAM DIVISION BAMENDA.

1.3 Objectives

The overall objective of this study was to establish factors that affect performance of public primary school education in Small Mankon with a case study of MEZAM DIVISION .

Specific Objectives

  1. To establish how management of learning activities affect performance of public primary schools in Mezam Division.
  2. To find out how discipline issues affect performance of public primary schools in Mezam Division.
  3. To investigate the effect of insecurity on performance of public primary schools in Mezam Division .
  4. To know how lack of capacity development for teachers affect performance of public primary schools in Mezam Division .
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