Project Details
Department | ENGINEERING |
Project ID | EG04 |
Price | 5000XAF |
International: $20 | |
No of pages | 40 |
Instruments/method | Quantitative |
Reference | Yes |
Analytical tool | Descriptive |
Format | MS Word & PDF |
Chapters | 1-5 |
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Project is to develop Biometric fingerprint Based Exam Hall Authentication systems that assist in the elimination of examination impersonation.
Up till now, the University of Buea Examination control board is not using fingerprint as mode of identification, this has resulted in people sitting for examinations for others who collect the result at the end. With the adoption of fingerprint biometrics, this will be eliminated as fingerprint identification will also be employed during collection of results and certificates.
This target can be mainly decomposed into image preprocessing, feature extraction and feature match.
For each sub-task, some classical and up-to-date methods in literatures are analyzed. Based on the analysis, an integrated solution for fingerprint recognition is developed for demonstration.
This demonstration program is coded using C programming language for the program, some optimization at coding level and algorithm level are proposed to improve the performance of this fingerprint recognition system.
These performance enhancements are shown by experiments conducted upon a variety of fingerprint images.
Also, the experiments illustrate the key issues of fingerprint recognition that are consistent with what the available literatures say.
Main objective is to eliminate any form impersonation during exam by employing a more secured means of fingerprint biometrics.
Authentication has always been a major challenge in all types of examination. Verification of the authentic candidate is not an easy task, and also it consumes a lot of time and process.
This led to the design of Biometric Fingerprint based exam hall authentication system that is designed to pass only users verified by their fingerprint scan and block non verified users.
Formal examination can rightly be defined as the assessment of a person’s Performance, when confronted with a series of questions, problems, or tasks to set him/her in order to ascertain the amount of knowledge that he has acquired, the extent to which he is able to utilize it, or the quality and effectiveness of the skills he/she has developed.
There are two types of systems that help automatically establish the identity of a person: 1) Authentication (verification) systems and 2) Identification systems.
In a verification system, a person desired to be identified submits an identity claim to the system, usually via a magnetic stripe card, login name, smart card, etc., and the system either rejects or accepts the submitted claim of identity (Am I who I claim I am?).
In an identification system, the system establishes a subject’s identity (or fails if the subject is not enrolled in the system database) without the subject’s having to claim an identity (Who am I?).
The topic of this paper is channel towards the development of examination impersonation elimination system and this system would strictly do with the unique feature of identification by means of finger print.
A verification system based on fingerprints, and the terms verification, authentication, and identification are used in a loose sense and synonymously.
Accurate automatic personal identification is becoming more and more important to the operation of our increasingly electronically interconnected information society.
Traditional automatic personal identification technologies to verify the identity of a person, which use ―Something that you know, such as a personal identification number (PIN), or ―
something that you have, such as an identification (ID) card, key, etc., are no longer considered reliable enough to satisfy the security requirements of electronic transactions or differentiate between an authorized person and an impostor who fraudulently acquires the access privilege of the authorized person.
Biometrics is a technology that uniquely identifies a person based on his physiological or behavioral characteristics.
It relies on something that you are to make personal identification and therefore can inherently differentiate between an authorized person and a fraudulent imposter.
The problems which are encountered in the previous identification systems are:
Student impersonation
Insecure authentication of students
Manual verification of student
Corruption in Examination System
The objective of this study is as follows:
To create a system that is capable of tracking impersonators in the examination system using the methodology of finger print biometrics.
To reduce rate of corruption in the educational sector and increase the rate of self-confidence on students.
To demonstrate the possibility of computer technology in the satisfaction of human needs and also enforce strict security measures that ensure unregistered students do not write exams for other registered students.
This system was implemented using C programming language and Arduino microcontroller and also all necessary method of data collection within the reach to ensure the system met up to acceptable standard has been put into consideration. Also this was carried out under close supervision by Mr. Kum for adequate guidance and interpretation of the work as it unfolds.