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In most development countries, like Nigeria agricultural sector is both the main traditional pursuit and key to sustained growth of the modern economy.

Economic growth has gone hand in hand with agricultural production stagnation; in agriculture is the principal explanation of poor economic performance.

While arising agricultural productivity has been the most important basis for successful industrialization.

Among the roles conventionally ascribed to the agricultural sector in a growing economy are those of;
Providing adequate food for an increasing population supplying raw materials to a growing industrial sector, constituting then major sources of employment, earning foreign exchange through commodity export and providing for the product f the industrial sector.
Agricultural is thus seen as the backbone of the economy.

Nigeria is a predominantly an agricultural economy and as long as she remains so the future of the sector in performing its role become important in the early 1950s agricultural play a crucial in our economic development as a nation.
It provided employment to millions of Nigeria and over seventy five percent {70%} of the labour force mostly from rural areas.

In golden agriculture years, contribution from this sector accounted for about seventy percent [70%} of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

Its percentage contribution however has fallen drastically in recent years due in part to boom in petroleum industry and the growth of industrial sector.
Having said all these, it is however unfortunate to say that the agricultural sector, despite its indispensability to the economic survival of the country is seriously affected by several predicaments which may under its contribution to the economy. One of the most predominant of them is that of the financial problem faced by the farmers.

Much of the family holdings in Nigeria operate agriculture at small scale level.
The inadequate domestic food production was reflected in Nigeria’s massive food imports, especially in the 1970s to argument domestic supply.
To solve the financial problem faced by the framers commercial banks have crucial to play towards agricultural development in the nations economy.

The commercial banks have to come to the aid of the extending credits to the farmers at reasonable rate of interested.

They are also to provide them with essential consultancy programmes for better agriculture. Henceforth, theories of commercial banks remains paramount towards the development of agriculture in Nigeria, like every other developing countries of the world.

In order to tackle some of the problem controlling the agricultural sector, the government put in place certain policies and programmes with a review of solving them.

The genesis of those policies and programmes could be traced back to 1950s and 1960s when various credit institutions and programmes were established to support and finance agricultural development.

Most important of these programmes include, Operational Feed the Nation [OFN] this was started in 1970 by then military regime as a mass enlightenment and mobilization campaign to raise agricultural output mainly through expansion of areas under cultivation.

National Accelerated Food Production Programmes [NAFPP].

Which was started in 1973 on a pilot phase but was extended to all state on the federation 1977 as a means to systematically build up national capacity for increase in food production through the development of a good package of technology other agricultural input and their integration with appropriate credit extension and marketing system.
Green Revolution Programme {GRP}: This was launched in 1980 by the defined National Party of Nigeria regime in the second Republic and was aimed at raising agricultural productivity through massive use of input such as fertilizer and improved seeds.

Also the government has undertaken special project like the agricultural development project {ADP}, the Accelerated Development Area Programme {ADAPS}.

The river basin and Rural Development Area Programme [ADAPS} as well as other measure both at federal and state levels to enhance agricultural production because of their realization of the numerous contribution of a highly developed agricultural sector could make the development of a highly developed agricultural sector could make the development of Nigerian economy.

First and increase in export crop production should supplement out foreign exchange earnings.

A successful attempt to bring agriculture to its pre-oil boom glory would strengthen our economy and reduce the risk of over dependence on crude oil alone, in addition it should always be born in mind that storage in food supply could and it has been experienced else where result in civil unrest and political crisis.

It is unfortunate that despite all effort of the government to boost food production in Nigeria.

The acute shortages of food supply still persist and this crisis situation is prevailing in the country.

The commercial bank helps the agricultural sector in developing countries in a number of ways:
They provide loans to trade in agricultural commodities.

They open network branches in rural areas to provide finance directly to agriculturist for the marketing of their product for the modernization and mechanization of their fares for providing irrigation facilities for developing land e.t.c.
They also provide finance assistance for annuals husbandry, day farming, sheep breeding poultry farmer and horticulture.

The small and marginal farmers and landless Agricultural workers, artisans and petty shopkeepers in rural are provided financial assistance through their regional rural bank.

Thus the commercial bank meets though credit requirements of all types of rural people.
All these roles have contributed greatly to the development of agricultural sector of the economy essentially, there are three base categories of farmers and these include:
1. Small scale: Loan facilities are processed for approval without tangible security.

People in this category are

mainly workers who use agriculture as a secondary business.

Hence their employer stands as security for them in the event of default repayment.
2. Medium scale: Farmers under this category engage more in agricultural business.

All such loans under this are forwarded to the head office for consideration from time with defined means of repayment.
3. Large scale: These are full time farmers who are engage in a large scale agricultural ventures as such before the companies in this types of business could be considered for approval at the head office such customer must be reputable with maintainable account and acceptable collateral securities.

Henceforth, the roles of commercial banks remains paramount towards the development of agriculture in Nigeria, like every other developing countries of the world.

Despite the high number of commercial banks established in Nigeria, yet the contribution attributed to them to words the development of agricultural development in the area of, insufficient flow of funds into agriculture which has contributed negatively towards achieving and increase in agricultural productivity.

This study takes a critical look into the various methods to be use in providing solution to the problem in order to speed up improvement in agricultural productivity.

The contribution of commercial bank towards agricultural development in the economy cannot be over emphasized.

The overall objective of this study is to critically examine the role commercial banks towards the development of agricultural sector.
In addition this work is to,
• Examine the importance of agriculture to Nigeria economy
• Identify the problem facing Nigeria agricultural sector.
• Analyze the loans and advance given by the commercial
banks to the agricultural sector.

Finally, this research work is to provide solution aimed at solving problem facing agricultural development.

The importance of this research work cannot be underestimated.

It will be of benefit to various segments of the economy.

To individual it will contribute to their knowledge on the financing of agriculture by commercial banks.
To the business commodity, this is to provide them with the needed research data to assist them to invest in agricultural business.
To the government, it is to help in policy formulation in relation to commercial banks and agricultural financing.
Again, more significant about this study is the benefit the students will derive from it. It will enable other researchers to make use of the finding obtained from the research work to increase their knowledge and further their research.


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