Research Key

English Language Use by Pupils: The Case of Classes Five and Six G.P.S Molyko, Buea

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International: $20
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Qualitative research
Analytical tool
Descriptive statistics
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The language used by pupils is empirical research that observes the ways the English language in use today by many pupils it, therefore, presents the type of English pupils use, showing the causes of their poor English language use using a test to check written form of English and observation to observe aspects of spoken English of pupils of G. P. S. Molyko Town.

The research found out that the pupils speak English is influenced by the way they are taught, the community in which the learner and the way they relate back at home with parents and peers.

The research concluded that since teachers of the above-mentioned school were taught in the same way as many language teachers in the country it means these teachers use the same method o teaching in their respective schools which will normally lead to poor language use by their pupils. Therefore language used by pupils is influenced by teaching methods, learners’ attitude and society.


 Introduction/ General background

The history of the English language in Cameroon can be traced as far back as 18th century when Cameroonians first came into contact with the Europeans and South Americans through trade, evangelism and above all colonization Bipoutpout and Nguefor (2011).

The English language gains more statue as Rev Joseph Merrick opened the first-ever primary school in Bimbia in 1884 and introduced English as a curriculum and as a tool for teaching other subjects Leke (2003). At this time English was referred to as “The Queen Language” Nguefor (2011) which mark what are today the Anglophone and Francophone of Cameroon.

This situation was short-lived as Germany colonised the territory in 1884. In 1918 Germans rule came to end with her defeat and ousting from the territory by Anglo-French forces. The territory was partitioned between the French and the British in 1919 and as a result, French ruled in the East while English reigned in the West of Cameroon.

With calls for national unity, French was introduced as a subject on the curriculum of Anglophones while English was done same on the curriculum of francophone Cameroonians this was facilitated by the opening of linguistic centres in Cameroon Bipoutpout and Nguefor (2011).

English is taught in nursery, schools, secondary, high schools and in universities but despite the number of years and effort put in the learning of in English in Cameroon “there is much concern and marked dissatisfaction on the deficiency of English used at different levels by Cameroon children at all levels of education in the country, Odusina and Ayuk (1995).

The approaches used in teaching English are being put into question by observing the kind of English written and spoken by Cameroonians especially children. English is taught in many schools in Cameroon using some of the following methods; grammar

 Significance of the study

The purpose of the study is to see whether the language pupils speak or write has a direct bearing on their overall performance.

  • To ascertain whether teachers are responsible for the type of English language pupil use today.
  • To test whether society plays a part in this particular genre of language pupils speak or write nowadays.
  • To check out aspects of direct translation from pupils’ mother tongues into the English language by pupils and to see how the problem can be solved.
  • The purpose of the study is equally to observe the relationship between the speech and writing of pupils.

Research Questions

Looking at the English language used by pupils especially those in senior primary school classes one can conveniently state that there is a link between the ways the English Language is use and the level of education of the user.

The main question this research wishes to find out is “Is there a link between the speaking and writings of pupils especially those of class five and six of G. P .S Molyko Town.?”

Secondly, the research is to find out whether aspects of direct translation by pupils from their mother tongue into the English language are positive or negative. Or do they use colloquial coinages or home languages present in the speech of pupils and consequently in their writing?

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