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This long essay is set to identify and analyze Gender-based violence on men in Cameroon. The main objective of the research was to examine the impacts of gender-based violence on men in Cameroon. The study used mixed methodology to collect and analyze data throughout the secondary and primary source of data collection.

The study also talked on the ways by which gender-based violence in Cameroon on men manifest and the forms of gender-based violence in Cameroon which can be physical, Economic, psychological, sexual and social. These forms help us to understand the various domains that men are violated in the society. Furthermore, the research also tries to find out measures that can be taken to mitigate gender-based violence against men in Cameroon. To achieve these objectives, the data was collected from a sample of 97 respondents in Cameroon. The techniques used in data collection include documentation, participants interview and group discussions to note narratives.

According to analysis and interpretation of data, it shows that gender-based violence on men in Cameroon was confirmed by a majority of respondents. The studies found out that GBV on men varies in different forms like social violence, sexual violence, physical violence, psychological violence and economic violence. Furthermore, it impacts too were noted like: Transmission of diseases, trauma and other psychological problems, death and loss of body parts, spousal suicide culture, and marital dissolution and family conflict in Cameroon. The strategies to mitigate gender-based violence on men were; promote gender equality, prevent GBV in education sector, to strengthen the understanding of gender and positive norms, to mobilize the media and government to GBV on men, to give a listening ear to the victims, and to place harsh punishments on the perpetrators of GBV, All of these objectives were achieved.

1.1 Background to study.
Gender-based violence (GBV) is a universal issue which affects individuals and families of diverse income and social population groups be it a country, a continent, a city or town and also villages. Gender-based violence is that form of violence which is perpetuated against an individual on the basis of his or her sex that is either against Men or women or Boys and girls. In the past, more emphasis has been given to GBV against women this is evident with the number of organizations which are fighting for the protection of the rights of women both globally and in Cameroon.
Gender-based violence against men came into recognition around the 1900s. Before the 1900s, gender-based violence against men weren’t given adequate attention. In fact men who beat their wives were given serious punishments by judges, while women who beat up their husbands were often given little or no punishments and some were even applauded by the judges and bystanders who viewed the behavior as appropriate discipline. Societal gender and marriage expectations were relevant in these discrepancies. Many judges and newspaper articles joked at men subjected to intimate partner violence were weak”, pitiful and effeminate. Men beaten by their wives were seen as unmanly (Katz, ElizabethD.,2015). It has been estimated by the World Health Organization that lifetime prevalence of childhood sexual abuse against males (under 18) is 7.6% globally compared to 18% for girls.

This just for a single form of GBV against men. The discrepancies in the data collected on GBV against men is as a result of the culture of silence when it comes to violence against men. All this he forms of GBV against men like sexual abuse, domestic violence, psychological violence, discrimination, and emotional violence affects men in ways like death, loss of self-respect and dignity, injuries, and also the transmission of disease. Studies have proven that during the Rwandan genocide and the war in Congo women were sexually violated and this indirectly involve a group of men who were in the act. Other forms include psychological violence which can lead to loss of the dignity and self-respect. A case in point is in Kenya where women earn more salaries than men even in similar occupations. This make the men to feel weak and powerless.

In Cameroon there exist diverse forms of GBV against men which are domestic violence, emotional violence, psychological violence sexual violence and also discrimination. Laws and policies have a great influence in the promotion of violence against Men and boys in one way or the other. Justice should not be acquired by portraying against some people. This is very rampant in the country and have numerous impacts on the men of this country which include; wild battery, loss of dignity, loss of life, injuries, transmission of diseases, separation of families. This is glaring in aspects such as education where in the women believe that the reason for the high number of men that are educated is due to favoritism of the gender by the state which is indirectly violating the rights of the men as they too have the right to education as any other gender (Berinyuy Cajetan, 01/02/2021).

1.2. Statement of the problem
For the past years judges and other institutions have neglected GBV on men in Cameroon. This have led to some major impacts and consequences on men in such as death, transmission of diseases, discrimination, injuries and wild battery, insecurity, loss of dignity, and psychological breakdown.
The negligence of GBV against men is a serious problem because it scares men away from marriage so as to avoid cases of domestic violence such as wild battery. This is very clear in Cameroon today as we see cases where wife bath his husband with hot water, bathing husbands with acid and also poisoning the husband for selfish reasons. This tend to reduce the number of men available for marriage.

Also emotional and psychological violence such as the use of abusive words in the public like “are you really a man” or slangs like you cannot be counted amongst real men tend to be delusional and might even lead to suicide. This is commonly used by wives or intimate partners on their men and husbands especially when the man is going through tough time like poverty or loss of job and he is u able to take care of his family.
In addition, as a result of the ongoing conflicts in the country most men in the conflict regions feels powerless and lost their self-respect and dignity simply because they are unable to take care of their families. This makes them to lost respect from their wives and the entire community. This often lead to domestic violence, depression, abandonment of families, and other tragic consequences. And yet empowerment is only on the women thereby constantly neglecting the men.
1.3 Research Questions
 Main Question
 How are Cameroonian men affected by gender-based violence?
 Subsidiary question
 In what ways does gender-based violence against Men in Cameroon manifest?
 What is done to mitigate GBV against men?

1.4 The objectives of the study
 Main objective
 To examine how Cameroonian Men suffer from gender-based violence.
 Specific objectives
 The specific objective of this research is to identify the ways by which gender based violence in Cameroon manifest.
 To show the various steps which are taken to mitigate gender based violence in Cameroon
1.5 Hypotheses
 General hypothesis
• Men are affected by gender-based violence.
 Specific hypotheses
• GBV against men in Cameroon takes many forms.
• There are some steps which are taken to reduce GBV against men in Cameroon.
1.6 Justification (or significance)
This research is carried out in order to identify and bring out the impacts of GBV on men in Cameroon. This will go a long way to benefit the men in Cameroon and beyond in boasting their confidence so that they can be able to report act of violation to the respective authorities without any fear of being mocked.
It will also help expose the ills and evils of GBV against men thereby making it to get international and national recognition which will give birth to organizations which will help in the protection of men and also help in the punishment of perpetrators of the act.
Scientifically this work will help in communicating the results in an adequate and required way to researchers and also it will act as guide to researchers which might aim at carrying out similar research in the field.
This study is worth studying because it will give men the confidence of sharing their violence experiences without fear this will reduce trauma which in the long run can be suicidal.
1.7 Scope of the study

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