Research Key

Internship carried out at the Integrated youth empowerment center (IYEC) Limbe

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IYEC is a non-governmental organization with its head quarter in Limbe. IYEC is an
organization which was created to assist, help and empower vulnerable groups of persons. These
persons include women, children and youth. this organization is located in Limbe municipality in
new town at Car Street.

on Tuesday the 2nd of august 2022, a meeting was hell as the IYEC
office by the director and staff members to welcome to new interns. the meeting begins at 8am,
an introduction was made by the staff and the interns. the interns introduce themselves by giving
their region of origin and their expectations. A talk was giving by the director of IYEC Mr. Tabe
Abor to welcome the new interns and introduce the various activities the interns will be doing
during their stay in IYEC.
1.1 Creation of IYEC.
Integrated youth empowerment center (IYEC) is an organization with its head quarter in Limbe.
this organization has 16 years of experience in development project and humanitarian
programmed. IYEC was founded in November 2003 and was authorized by the government of
Cameroon in December 2009 with registration number SW/GP038/09/6573.

IYEC terms from
the vision of the founder and executive director Tabemonso, Elsie Bessem and has been shape
over time with valuable insights and effort from the various logistic managers, operation
managers, community relay agents, project coordinators, agronomist, Gender officer and experts
from the various walk of life. IYEC is a youth led organization that is working on social justice
and peace. is also an organization that support youth and under privilege by ensuring capacity
building of youth. IYEC Cameroon has provided assistance in community development, health

care, hygiene and sanitation and gender empowerment. IYEC has partners with the united nation
office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs (UNOCHA) schedule a meeting with IYEC at
their office during which they discuss issues of humanitarian response to internally displace
persons (IDPs) in the south west region and how IYEC partnership with UNOCHA will work to
facilitate response.
1.2 Mission
IYEC Cameroon has great mission in response to the groups and community as a hold. The
community mission of IYEC is to support the vulnerable groups (youth, women and children) on
community health issues, human right promotion and provide protection, social justice
environmental issues, wealth creation and provide capacity building to improved livelihood
using a community center approach and advocacy in Cameroon and Africa. Their mission is to
also advance gender equality and empower vulnerable groups to effect positive change.
1.3 Objectives
They organized capacity building programs for civil societies organization, youth group,
institution as well as cultural and urban communities. Also, they establish micro project within
communities, mobilized saving among rural women and embed in them a culture of saving. The
IYEC objective is to create an environment of peace, security and health among vulnerable
groups in the society and ameliorate social cohesion.

It also aims to develop project like the
health project which focusing on the community verification of the health status of women,
mothers’ fathers, and children and private empower health facilities with some medical
instruments. The second of IYEC is poverty alleviation for sustainable development in order to
bridge the gap between the vulnerable persons.
1.4 Activities
The integrated youth empowerment center (IYEC) is involved in many activities within the
 In the health domain. They are involved in health care protection called performance –
based financing which is a system approach with an orientation on results defined as
quantity and quality of serving,

IYEC is working in an ongoing performance base financing health care project for the
past 8years, during which IYEC monitor and evaluate hospital and health center in the
Limbe and mamfe health areas using indicators such as outpatient consultation, major
/minor surgery, children completely vaccination.

HIV testing and counseling and
planning, skilled delivery, antenatal consultation and hospitalization in order to apply
corrective measure and improve on the quality of health care serving delivery for patient
who attend hospital and health center in Limbe and mamfe health areas. IYEC carries out
questionnaire interview every three months to communities in FAKO division (Limbe,
Tiko Idenau health area) and manyu division (Mamfe center, Tinto and Eyumodjock
health area).

IYEC work in partnership with the ministry of public health, south west
regional fund for health promotion and the world bank funder of the project. IYEC also
carry out an activity on training of interns in the office for field work on the monitoring
and evaluation of health centers and hospital on the quality of health care service deliver
during patient attendance. They are trained to work on the indicators such as
hospitalization, outpatient consultation, HIV testing and counseling, children completely
vaccination, family planning, and home visit.

 Social justice and peace. IYEC carryout a field work on human right violation in the
communities of Cameroon in general and the south west region, in particular, in a serious
challenge that many youths, women and children usually encounter. One of the cases was
violence against women.
 Wash survey on hygiene and sanitation. On the 3rd of august, the interns and staff of
IYEC went out for a WASH survey in a community called Mokindi community, we were
received by some focal point that is Mr. MICHEL TAGKWA and MICHEAL. The
survey was to find out the state of the hygienic condition of the communities in order to
provide solution in case of poor hygienic practices.
 Civil engagement. IYEC carries out activity to bring out change in the community, they
do things like clean Up campaigns, sensitize the people on this clean up campaigns to to
keep their environment clean.
 Lastly, teenage mothers 14-17 years who get pregnant with most young ones who cannot
felt for them self, who are vulnerable, unable to have house and feed themselves. In line
with this, here comes up with health care system to help this teenage mother who have
been abandoned as they implement project like hair dressing, seamstress providing
finance for agriculture as a means of empowering them. They also look at the family
background if the girl has interest of going back to school or want to start up a petty
business or a trade.
1.5 Target population

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