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Less attention has been put on the issue of publishing and how JMC students perceive publishing. The primary goal of this research was to find out how journalism students view a career in publishing.

The study’s objectives were to look at how JMC students perceive a career in publishing, to investigate the most popular career choices for JMC students, and to uncover reasons why a majority of JMC students/graduates avoid publishing.

This study has made use of the descriptive quantitative design. The quantitative design deals with numerical data which is why it has been used here because the researcher wanted to sample the opinions of many UB students concerning the issue under   study.

The majority of the respondents were aware that as graduates, they are qualified to work in the industry of publishing, according to the data. The majority of respondents believe that publishing entails the creation of news stories.

The majority of those polled have also been to a printing and publishing firm. Despite the fact that the majority of respondents do not want to pursue a career in publishing,

when we asked if they would accept a job offer from a publishing house, the majority of respondents said they would accept a job offer from a publishing house because they need a job, while only a few said they would not. The researcher therefore recommends that JMC students should be sensitize on the necessity of taking a career in publishing



1.1 Background to the study

According to the National Archives, Publishing means making information available to the public. In the past this was done mainly through issuing printed copies of documents. Now there are many more options such as websites, print, DVD, e-publications and apps.

Apart from ensuring value for money, the challenge is to choose publication channels that support a publication’s status and provenance, as well as ensuring that the publication reaches the right audience.

According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, publishing is the process of production and dissemination of literature, music, or information the activity of making information available to the general public.

In some cases, authors may be their own publishers, meaning: originators and developers of content also provide media to deliver and display the content for the same. Also, the word publisher can refer to the individual who leads a publishing company or imprints or to a person who owns a magazine.

Traditionally, the term refers to the distribution of printed works such as books and newspapers.

With the advent of digital information systems and the Internet, the scope of publishing has expanded to include electronic resources, such as the electronic versions of books and periodicals, as well as micropublishing, websites, blogs, video game publishers and the like.

Publishing includes the stages of the development, acquisition, copy-editing, graphic design, production – printing, and marketing and distribution of newspapers, magazines, books, literary works, musical works, software and other works dealing with information, including the electronic media. Publication is also important as a legal concept.

With the invention of writing, publishing became possible and, upon the introduction of printing, became more practical. Dispersed works were copied manually, by scribes, prior to printing. Publishing also progressed hand-in-hand with the development of books as a result of printing.

Publishing came has developed in Cameroon. Introduced in the early colonial days by missionaries, indigenous Cameroonians have picked up the profession. It has equally been introduced into university programmes like the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication and may other higher institutions.

Despite the advance nature of the field of publishing in Cameroon, and the lucrative business opportunities it gives many graduates turn to shy away from building a career in this field. This research therefore seeks to investigate the student’s perception of the field of publishing.

1.2 Problem Statement

Whether or not they represent current practice, many student publications are significant from a policy and historical standpoint. There are also significant in many other aspects. Publishing is a fast growing area of the Journalism profession.

Many programmes in Journalism and Mass communication have integrated publishing as component in their curriculum. In the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, students are trained in at least four fields,; Journalism, Public Relations, Communication Research and Publishing. However, it has been observed that , journalism students have different perception about publishing.

The fear of publishing is a great problem because of the fact that Journalism students are not well educated or schooled on the importance of publishing. Another problem identified is the fact that many Journalism students of the University of Buea do not venture into publishing after graduation. This could come as a result of ignorance of the importance of publishing.

A journalism and Mass communication graduate must not necessarily be a TV presenter but they can also venture into publishing.

The Department of Journalism and Mass communication graduates over a 100 students each year, and despite the numerous and lucrative opportunities offered in the field of publishing, very few of them engage in publishing. This research therefore seeks to understand why journalism graduates shy away from the field of publishing.

1.3 Research Questions

1.3.1 General Research question

How do journalism students perceive a career in the field of publishing?

1.3.2 Specific Research Questions

  1. To what extent do JMC Students perceive a career in the field of publishing?
  2. What are the dominant career choices for JMC students?
  3. Why does a majority of JMC students/graduates shy away from publishing?

1.4 Research Objectives

1.4.1 General objectives

The main objective of this study is to examine how journalism students perceive a career in the field of publishing?

1.4.2 Specific objective

Specifically, the study seeks to

  1. To look at the extent to which JMC Students perceive a career in the field of publishing?
  2. To examine the dominant career choices for JMC students?
  3. To bring out reasons why a majority of JMC students/graduates shy away from publishing






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