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Deposit mobilization is the bedrock of the present future growth of banks. In the past emphasis was on marketing and distribution of goods but with recent development which arises duet o technological economical and social changes as well as changes in the people expectation marketing of financial services has gone beyond these for the continuous survival of financial institution.
The traditional approach to banking began to chances as bankers come to realize that marketing has a role to play in any modern organization whether such organization is profit oriented or not profit oriented.

The role of marketing become important in Nigeria as the business of banking grow from the function of taking deposit; lending money transmission services to include a host of other financial services.

Profit making activities in an organization is very important, profit have to be made ensure survival and to finance development.
In an organization like commercial banker profit marketing activities is a function of intelligent marketing strategy in business.

It involves the effort to understand satisfy the need of both present and potential customers.

In order to satisfy customer, the need for the application of different element knows as marketing mix.
The marketing mix which can be defined as the combination of element which must be linked of mix of together in a unique manner of devise marketing strategy.

Decision made in each of these areas are design to provide the most promising means of meeting the needs of target market.

That is a well defined set of customer whose needs the marketing want to satisfy.
The banking industry in Nigeria is highly competitive.

The establishment of new banks like oceanic bank, Zenith bank, diamond bank etc. recent year and the opening of numerous rural branches by the bank has increase competition within the banking industry.

The completion centers and around quality of services provided location, building and tradition and adaption of contracts.

Other areas of competition includes innovation and adoption of modern technique like computerization of their services.
Unlike the marketing of tangible good whose main task is to formulate stranges for pushing their goods to the final consumer, marketers of banking services have two to achieve in their marketing services.
The primary function is to mobilize funds for lending proposes by an accepting deposition various account like savings time or fixed deposits and current demand deposits.
These functions are not limited to the trust banking alone.

Furthermore the marketer of banking services also needs to design strategy for investing their find just like marketer of tangible ways were each subset may be regarded as largest market.

The banking market is also segmented into money and capital market and this according to the type of financial and required by the customers.
Banks, in their effort to provide essential and courteous banking services to their customer, are often facing with numerous problems.

These include persistent long queves by customer, system of initials control, stringent lending policies, and unnecessary delay in clearing cheque and bank staff in difference to their customers.
The bank pleases against these serious accusation infect blamed the environment in which they operate some negative aspect of this environment include fraud impersonation cheating material and external theft.
Furthermore the problem of developing nation with a massive population whose literacy is very low in spite of the fact that first bank of Nigeria plc some marketing techniques like and regimed sales promotion, the extended to which theses technique and tools and been systematically used to climate customer complains yet to be known in addition ways in which marketing can be integrated into banking business and the extent to which the marketing can contribute to the improvement of banking efficiency and effectiveness and area is which little work has to be done in Nigeria it is as a result of all these that promoted the needs to carry out this research.

Marketing of banking services goes beyond selling banking services it involves a careful cultivation of the existing connection and seeking for the correction the advantage of bank and it customer like seeking to make the best use of the banks presence in its community.
The aim of this study is to examine the role of deposit mobilization through marketing in the banking sector and to determine the extent to which first bank of Nigeria Plc market it service.

To this end the study shall be examine.
i. Ways of implementing marketing extent service in first bank and to find out extent to which these service meet the customer satisfaction.
ii. The different marketing in banking, marketing consumer or industrial and good and service and manufacturing organization.
iii. The extent to which first bank of Nigeria plc market its services in terms of employing marketing technique for mobilizing their customer increasing their patronage and improving efficiency and effectiveness of their operation.

The study is important because is carefully improving and asses deposit mobilization through marketing of banking services in Nigeria the study has acquainted the researcher with the role and contribution forward deposit mobilization through banking services and accomplishment of the growth and development the economy also the study has analyze the works of deposit through banking services
The study helps to improve the performance and maintain bank customer relationship.

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