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        Personal constitutes one of the vital activities of every modern organization whether commercial service or industrial.

          It is practiced in every organization whether two or more persons are involved in the execution of a give table. It is totally, personnel management is concerned with;

(i)       Obtaining developing and motivation the human resources require by an organization to achieve its objective.

(ii)      Developing an organization structure and climate and evolving a management style which will promote.

(iii)     Cooperative and commitment throughout the organization

(iv)     Making the best use of the skills andcapacities of all those employed by the organization.

(v)      Ensuring that the organization meets its social and legal responsibilities toward employees and society with particular regard to the conditions of employment and quality of working life provide them.

Personal management is therefore concerned with what the organization needs to do about its key resources people. The other resources being money and material while the latter are in animate, it is the human resources that breaches into them. In order words, through there resources used in organization to facilitate the attainment as stated goals such as physical structure and raw materials but the human element remain the most important element among the factor of production because it is highly unpredictable. Is fact, of all the task of management, managing the human component is the central and most important task because all else depends upon how well it is done.

Personnel management is the whole activities within an organization which is concerned with the acquisition and development of the human resources needed for the achievement of the organization goals. It involves planning for human resources needs finding and hiring employees, training them motivating them to perform effectively on the job finally returning them.

However, because of the importance of human element in an organization adequate attention needs to be motivated by many different kinds of needs.

People have basic needs for food, clothing and shelter but they also need acceptance, recognition and self-esteem. Each individual will experience these needs in different ways and to varying degrees, in a work setting, motivation is what makes people want to work. Employees and management need to understand what strengthens or weaken even motivation on the job in other fulfill both organization and personal goals.

In most industrial establishments, the desire to achieved productivity is central to managerial objectives. This desires has in most cases informed managerial decision to introduce a package of incentives in order to boost workers morale. Consequently, researchers have over the years looked into ways by which workers could best motivate to increase their effort.

          According to Likert (1953), “motivation is the core of management”. This explains why most organization would expect their employees to have an conduct themselves in such a way that effectiveness and a high level of productivity would be achieved. To realize this objective, therefore the management of any organization must identify those factors both is the employment situation and in the psychology of the workers that best motivate workers and accordingly see to the provision of such in order to boost productivity from empirical point of view of the continued existence and functioning of an organization is effective and efficient. This fact isaccentivated in Etzioni’s definition of what constitutes organization effectiveness. According to him “Organization effectiveness is the degree to which as organization realizedit’s goals “consequently, efficiency is seen by him as the ‘amount of resources used to produce a unit of output’ (Etizoni 1964). Most industrial establishment attempts to put in place a network of incentive systems in order to realize managerial objective of high leave of productivity. The experience of Gouldner (1954), Hertzberg (1966) and Oloko (1974) amongst other.

          In general, industrial organizations periodically put in place some incentives to boast workers morale and also check large scale labour turnover, some of these incentives border on increased in salaries and wages the most important factor that encourages workers to put forth.

          According to Smith passives that where the level of wages in high and very generous workers would be encouraged to increase their supply of labour irrespective of any adverse consequences such as increased performance might have on their health. This classical economic structure was over the year informed management decision to use a network of productivity of labour.


The study seeks to find out the following

  1. To find out history of Ilorin East local government area of Kwara State.
  2. To find out the various types of motivational techniques available for the employees in Ilorin East local government Area of Kwara State.

iii.      To find out the adequacy on inadequacy of motivational techniques in Ilorin East local government.

  1. To suggest ways of enhancing workers performance throughmotivaton.


        The study is design to cover the impact of motivation on workers performance in an organization especially in Ilorin East local government Area in Kwara State. However, the study is limited by several constrains.


        This is importance of the study is to know the effect of motivation as a tools for enhancing productivity so that they can perform their function effectively. Also, to discover the extent to which economics rewards influence employees commitments of Kwara State and to enable the employee to see reason for various, incentives receive in Ilorin East Local government Area of Kwara State.


Employees: Refers to those who are employed for ages “or” salary. How every, for the, purpose of this research employee are those that receive instrument from the management.

Motivation: Herms Weihrich and Harold Knoot (1994) motivation is a general terms applying to the entire class of drives, desires, wishes and similar forces. However, it is a set of forces that cause people to behave in a particular way.

Productivity: This is efficiency and the rate at which good and services produced.


        This study is divided into five chapters. The (first chapter) consists of introduction of the study, objective of the study, as well as operational definition of terms used.

          Chapter “Two” consist of literature review and this following we considered explanation on conceptual meaning of motivation, theories of motivation reward, understanding the subordinate goals, effectives communication and the sampling techniques as well as procedure for data collection.

          Chapter “four” is mainly on analysis of data and interpretation of such data historical background of Ilorin East Local Government Area of Kwara State.

          The “last chapter” focused on the summary and conclusion of finding, recommendation of the research work and bibliography.


Barry, L.R. & Ronda, B. (1999): Effective Human Relations to Organization, forth ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.

Ibrahim, Y. (2004); writing on organization structure and behaviours. Volume II Ilorin Olad.

Shaiye, A. (1997): Personal Management an unpublished paper.

Shaiye, A. (1999): The Nerves of Public Administration Ilorin; Data Press ltd.

Salman, A.K (2002): An introduction of personnel management, Ilorin Olad.

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