Project Details
Department | Transport and Logistics |
Project ID | TL017 |
Price | 5000XAF |
International: $20 | |
No of pages | 74 |
Instruments/method | Quantitative |
Reference | YES |
Analytical tool | Descriptive |
Format | MS Word & PDF |
Chapters | 1-5 |
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Distribution channel is an important decision for companies to make to ensure that company’s products will reach customers in the most effective way. This study investigated the effect of distribution channels on the brassieres products in Tiko. It seeks to examine the effect of distribution channels on sales, specifically; it sought to determine whether pesticides actually meet customers demand and to examine the functions of intermediaries on the consumption of pesticides in Tiko. The data of this study was collected through two sources, namely; the primary and secondary sources. However, questionnaires formed the major instruments of data collection in this study. The convenient sampling method was used to select respondents for the study. In effect, 55 respondents and 20 management staff were sampled. Data gathered was analyzed using the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS). Hypothesis was tested using Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient which shows the relationship that exist between distribution channels and the sales of brassieres products in Tiko. Thus, the results shows After testing the research hypothesis, shows the correlation between the two variables. From the table, the asymptotic significance (2-tailed) is read at 0.000, and the Pearson Moment Correlation index is 0.742. The value of the asymptotic significance which is significantly less than the p-value of 0.05 shows that the null hypothesis is rejected and alternate accepted. This means therefore that Distribution channels have a significant effect on the sales of Les Brasseries Du Cameroun products.The Pearson index shows that the relation is positive and strong. The findings of the study revealed that distribution channels significantly have a positive effect on the brassieres products in Tiko. Hence, rejecting the null hypothesis. Furthermore, the researchers finally recommend that Opportunities should be giving to the retailers and wholesalers of Brasseries products to be able to place order for the Brasseries products through phone calls. This is because if they have shortage of the products when it is not up to their own supply day they will not have the products except the give a command or go to the depot and buy, hence placing order through phone calls is going to facilitate sale delivery.