Research Key

Students’ perception on the effectiveness of Guidance And Counselling services at secondary schools in Cameroon: a case study of the Kumba 1 municipality

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Descriptive statistics
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This study investigated on Students’ perception of the effectiveness of guidance and counselling services in a secondary school within Kumba I Municipality. 

The main specific objective of this study was to examine the perception of students on the effectiveness of guidance and counselling services in secondary school.

Three specific objectives were used in this study which was to determine the extent to which students awareness of guidance and counselling services affect the effectiveness of counselling in secondary school,

to find out the extent to which the student’s knowledge of guidance and counselling services affect the effectiveness of counselling in secondary school and to examine the extent to which the attitude by students affect the effectiveness of counselling in secondary school.

The self-perception theory by Moyerman and Forman (1992) and social learning theory by Bandura (1995) were used. The research design adopted for this study was a descriptive survey design.

The research was carried out in three randomly selected secondary schools in Kumba I municipality. That is the Government High School Kumba, Government High School Kumba Mbeng and Government High School Nkamlikum.

The Sample size was made up of 120 respondents both male and female made up of from one to upper sixth students purposively selected to suit the study. Questionnaire both open and closed question was used to collect data.

The data was analysed using means,  standard deviation and presented in the tables. The study revealed that 75% agreed that there exist guidance and counselling services in their school but 83% of the respondents said the service is ineffective and also 75% of the respondents said there is no guidance and counselling club.

The study recommended to Counselors must do well to improve their personality and professional skills to boost students perception of guidance and counselling. The school administration should create the necessary institutional and psychological plate-forme that will enable students to find it easier to access counselling services.




This chapter presents the background to the study, problem statement, research objectives, research questions, research hypothesis, the significance of the study, definition of terms, justification of the study, summary of work, the scope of the study, operational definition of terms. The background consisted of the historical, theoretical, conceptual and contextual perspectives.

Statement of the Problem:

Many college students lack ideas on which course to study in the higher education institution after leaving high school. This is because most of the students are not oriented on the right career to follow during their school life.

Lack of appropriate orientation during admission makes it very difficult for students who are confused to be guided, as a result, most of them turn to follow what their friends and relatives are studying. 

So they do not request or seek the assistance of counsellors when they have difficulties or problems rather they school because they want to accomplish parent’s desires, market demands, assure social life, or simply because of peer influence, therefore, the study seeks out to investigate the student’s perception on the effectiveness of guidance and counselling services in a secondary school within Kumba I Municipality.

Research Objectives

General Objective

To examine the perception of students on the effectiveness  of guidance and counselling services at school

Specific Objectives

Specifically, the study sought to;

  • Determine the extent to which students’ desires for guidance counselling services affect the effectiveness of counselling services at school.
  • Find out the extent to which the student knowledge of guidance and counselling services affects the  effectiveness of counselling services at school
  • Examine the extent to students attitude affect the effectiveness of counselling services at school.

research questions.

main research Question:

How do students perception of guidance counselling affects the effectiveness of guidance and counselling services at school?

Specific Research Questions

The following research questions were formulated to guide the study:

  • To what extent do students desire for guidance and counselling services affect the effectiveness of counselling services in school?
  • To what extent does knowledge for guidance and counselling services affect the efficiency at the school?
  • To what does the student’s attitude impact the effectiveness of the guidance counsellor in school?
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