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The study examined the Teacher Classroom Management and Student’s Academic Performance in Business Studies in Irepodun L.G.A, Kwara Stat.

Two hundred respondents were randomly chosen for the study.

A self-reporting questionnaire was used for data collection and the result of the study revealed some factors that influencing classroom management of business studies teacher among these are classroom discipline, classroom students’ reinforcement, teachers’ pedagogical attitude, teacher’s class control.

The questionnaire were used to elicit the information based on this study, the data collected were analyzed using frequency counts and percentages for the demographic information of respondents while Chi-square was used to test postulated hypotheses at 0.05 alpha level.

The findings of the study revealed that:
i. There is significant influence of classroom discipline on academic performance of business studies students in Irepodun LGA Kwara State with chi- square value of 241.04 is greater than the critical value of 21.03 at 0.05 level of significance
ii. There is significant influence of teachers’ pedagogical attitude on academic performance of business studies students in Irepodun LGA Kwara State with calculated chi-square value of 212.02 is greater than the critical value of 21.03 at 0.05 level of significance
iii. There is significant influence of students’ reinforcement on academic performance of business studies students in Irepodun LGA Kwara State by the calculated chi- square value of 98.12 is greater than the critical value of 21.03 at 0.05 level of significance
iv. Teacher’s class control significantly influence academic performance of business studies students in Irepodun LGA Kwara State with calculated chi- square value of 131.01 is greater than the critical value of 21.03 at 0.05 level of significance
Based on the findings of this research, classroom discipline, students’ reinforcement among others have significant effects on academic performance of business studies students among the selected junior secondary schools in Irepodun LGA Kwara State.

The study therefore recommends business studies teachers should ensure positive learning environment.

And they must maintain good time and ensure the classroom is properly arranged for effective learning as to encourage students to learn effectively for the improvement in teaching and learning.

Background of the Study
Education in Nigeria has become a gigantic industry that has been recognized not only as a tool for nation building but also as a source from which individual Nigerians can realize their goals and aspirations. The vision of every society in modern times is that education be used as a tool for social change.

In other words, if a country desires to bring about a new philosophy, a new orientation, a new social order or a new thinking pattern, the vehicle for such a change is education.

To effect a desired change such a country must undertake modification of its curriculum as a first step, followed by classroom instruction, which is derived from the affected curriculum and implemented by the teacher in the classroom.
Classroom management according to Akubue (2001) is the process of creating favorable conditions to facilitate instructions as well as that of regulating social behavior of students. He viewed classroom management and organization as a function of proper knowledge, dedication, skill and training for which they are called.

The behaviors and the reaction of students are much related to the degree of teacher’s proper management of the classroom. Teachers in the classroom are by the nature of their profession, managers of classroom activities.

The class teacher’s job unlike that of other professionals is concerned with maintaining order, allocating resources, regulating the sequence of events and directing his own attention towards achieving the educational goals.
Classroom management plays an important role in the teaching/learning process.

It is a veritable tool in the process of passing instructions from the teacher to the students.

The success of any educational system is a function of the effectiveness of classroom management. Classroom teachers are managers and so ought to be in control from the beginning of the lesson to the end so as to ensure that the students benefit from the interactive business that transpires in the classroom situation.

This, to a greater extent would enhance smooth coordination and responses on the part of both the teacher and the learner.

Today, classroom management according to Akpakwu (2003) is the most neglected area in our secondary schools, and the success or failure of any teaching/learning process depends to a large extent on the way classrooms are managed.

Failure to effectively manage the classroom can have an overall negative influence on the entire school most especially in terms of sound academic performance of the school.

When educators talk about classroom management, one of the first things that come to mind is maintenance of discipline, others are control, motivation, teaching methods, leadership style, use of instructional materials and communication.
Ada (2004) sees classroom discipline as a function of the interaction between teacher and students that brings about self-control and respect for authority.

It entails creating and keeping rules based on reciprocal understanding and tolerance, and requires establishing limits that must not be transgressed.

Students’ reinforcement is another management variable that according to Fadipe (2000) is the process of influencing or stimulating a student to take action that will accomplish desired goals.

A teacher can reward the learners in order to increase the probability of reporting the desired behaviour. Good and appropriate teaching methods are important aspects of classroom management.

Diane and Farrand (2000) explained that teachers do not necessarily modify their teaching strategies or methods when placed in a class to manage.

They further said that teachers need to be trained in order to effectively apply a wide range of instructional methods that can cater for various forms of differences that exist in the class.
Recent happenings and occurrences at the level of secondary schools and even other levels of education leave many scholars in panic today and zone B senatorial District is not left out.

The teacher finds himself in a class filled with students who are disposed to violence, not only to their fellow students but the teacher also.

In a bid to control this tendency towards violence, indiscipline, and noise making, careful management of the classroom is therefore important.
Secondary School students’ academic performance according to Fadipe (2000) takes into cognizance both quality and quantity of the internal and external results achieved.

It implies that it is not just the number of graduates of the system that matters but how relevant and competent the graduates are in meeting the societal needs and aspirations.

It is on the basis of the above that the researcher is worried and decided to carry out this research to find out, the influence of classroom management on students’ academic performance in Irepodun LGA, Kwara State.

Statement of the Problem
It is regrettable to observe that classroom management which is the most important ingredient of good teaching seem to be greatly neglected in secondary schools especially the public schools in zone B senatorial District of Benue State.

The managerial demands on the classroom teacher are by no means light.

The keeping of records and reports, requisition of self-effort and provision of supplies and equipment as well as the necessary routines of classroom management, take much of the teachers’ time.

The teacher sometimes gets trained in different cultural backgrounds and later finds himself faced with students from varied cultural and socio economic backgrounds, different adjustment capabilities and social interaction abilities.
The problems today include inequality of opportunity in the classroom, improper upliftment of rights of students, improper school rules and inconsistency of the classroom teacher, and poor level of preparedness on the part of the teacher to adequately pass on instructions and so on.

Today, the situation in our secondary schools seem worse, if one walks into any of these schools during lesson periods, many classes if not all, may not be organized, there may be no form of discipline in these classrooms, no form of motivation for these students to learn, no teacher to monitor and control the activities of the students in the classes to mention but a few which negate effective classroom management.

Against this background, the major problem of this study is to determine the influence of classroom management on students’ academic performance in in Irepodun LGA, Kwara State.
Research Questions
The following research questions were generated to guide the study;
i. What is the influence of classroom discipline on academic performance of business studies students in Irepodun LGA, Kwara State?
ii. What influence does students’ reinforcement have on academic performance of business studies students in Irepodun LGA, Kwara State?
iii. Does teachers’ pedagogical attitude influence academic performance of business studies students in Irepodun LGA, Kwara State?
iv. Will teacher’s class control have any influence on academic performance of business studies students in Irepodun LGA, Kwara State?
Research hypotheses
The following hypotheses were formulated to guide the study and tested at 0.05level of significance
H01 there is no significant influence of classroom discipline on academic performance of business studies students in Irepodun LGA Kwara State
H02 there is no significant influence of students’ reinforcement on academic performance of business studies students in Irepodun LGA Kwara State
H03 there is no significant influence of teachers’ pedagogical attitude on academic performance of business studies students in Irepodun LGA Kwara State
H04 Teacher’s class control does not significant influence academic performance of business studies students in Irepodun LGA Kwara State

Purpose of the Study
The main purpose of this study is investigating the Teacher Classroom Management and Student’s Academic Performance in Business Studies in Irepodun LGA Kwara State. Specifically, the purpose of the study is to:
i. find out whether classroom discipline will have influence on academic performance of business studies students in Irepodun LGA, Kwara State
ii. determine whether students’ reinforcement will be able to influence on academic performance of business studies students in Irepodun LGA, Kwara State
iii. examine whether teachers’ pedagogical attitude will be the influence on academic performance of business studies students in Irepodun LGA, Kwara State
iv. investigate whether teacher’s class control will be the influence on academic performance of business studies students in Irepodun LGA, Kwara State

Significance of the study
The study will be significant in the sense that teachers at secondary level of education need to be properly motivated and encouraged in order to enhance performance and effectiveness.

The reason is that it is at this level that student’s academic performance determines their career afterwards.
The finding of this research work will be significant to students, teachers, NUT, policy makers and government at large.
It will help students to enjoy proper classroom arrangement for effective teaching and learning.
Teachers to able to increase the ability of controlling and proper arrangement of classroom of teaching and learning
It will enable the educationists and the government to be aware of the level of motivation being made available to teachers.
The study will provides information for policy makers and serves as guide to improve on specific areas of need that could enhance teacher’s performance in their job performance.
The findings will assist the professional bodies specially the Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT) and the like on how to go about improving lots of its members.


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