Research Key

The Effects of Motivation on an Employee's Performance in the Public Service of Cameroon

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This study was designated to assess the effects of motivation on employee performance in the public service of Cameroon. With case study is the Secondary Education Regional Delegation in South West Region precisely in the Buea Municipality with the general objectives to assess the effects of motivation on employees’ performance in the Public Service and specific objectives;

to identify different type’s motivation offered at MINESEC Regional Delegation SWR, to examine the relationship between motivation and employee performance and to determine challenges towards effective motivation practice at MINESEC Regional Delegation SWR.

Subjects for the study consist of a sample of 50 workers under the ministry of secondary education in Buea municipality, selected using the stratified random sampling procedures. Data collected were subjected to appropriate statistical analysis using simple methods of tables and percentages.

Research hypotheses were tested using the Chi-square model. All findings were tested at a 0.01 level of significance and results obtained from the analysis show that there exists a variety of motivations offered at MINESEC Regional Delegation SWR, that there is a positive relationship between motivation and employee performance and that there are certain challenges towards effective motivation practice at MINESEC Regional Delegation SWR.  

In a nutshell from the overall findings of this research, it was concluded that motivation has a significant effect on employee performance in the public service of Cameroon and the study wraps up with recommendations to tackle issues of motivation in the Public Service




Motivation has been brought into being to be one of the leading organization’s strategies which can grow the performance of employees and surge the production of
organizations (Tahir, 2014).

Indeed, with the current global financial growth, many firms have comprehended the fact that productivity is desired for their organization to strive strongly and likewise their employee’s productivity is essential in shaping the organization’s successes.

Also, employees’ performance as a result of progress and development is critical for any organization (Lebelici, 2012: 34).

Hawthorne’s studies and numerous research works on the production of employees stresses the fact that workers who are contented with their work will have better job performance, hence absolute job retention, than those who are unhappy with their work (Guest, 2007).

Furthermore, it is indicated that staffs are more likely to turnover if they are unsatisfied and hence discouraged to demonstrate noble performance. Workers’ Performance is higher if they are happy and satisfied. The organization finds it stress-free to motivate great performers to achieve firm goals(Sultana 2012:33).

Performance is well thought-out to be related to the concepts of skill, opportunity and enthusiasm (Nyauchi, 2014:43). Skill is a function of ability, learning, capability and teaching. Opportunity states the infrastructure desired to accomplish the occupation. In conclusion, motivation is the need to accomplish an aim and readiness to apply effort for it.

Inspiration is something that results in enhanced performance when other circumstances are met. However, motivation is beneficial over others in logic that while the chance and capacity tend to be steady and hard to alter for the personnel, inspiration has elasticity, that is, it can be transformed by some means.

Moreover, it is apparent that in the absence of willingness to perform; capacity and opportunity will not generate the desired results. If the situation is to be explained by a proverb; you can take the horse to the water but you cannot make it drink (Lebelici, 2012:16).

All firms, whether public or private, want inspired workforces to be effective and proficient in their operations, in addition to the other factors. Workforces who are driven to work enthusiastically and innovatively toward the success of organization aims are one of the supreme inputs to organizational accomplishments.

Subsequently, the test for organizations is to confirm that their staffs are exceedingly motivated (Torrington, Hall & Stephen, 2008:45)

   The overall success of an institution in achieving its strategic objectives relies heavily on the performance level of employees. Employee’s performance is a function of ability and motivation, where ability is comprised of skills, training and resources required for performing a task and motivation is described as an inner force that drives individuals to act something.

The increasing organization have been constantly experiencing a sharp drop in the performance of its workers, organizational failures and low productivity over the past years. This is acceptably correct in the case of Secondary Education in the South West Region of Cameroon, which is made up of an overwhelming number of employees and needs to address this problem of low productivity and Organizational failure due to the low-performance of employees.

The main cause or root of the problem of low productivity and organizational failures is because of little or no motivation in organizations. With this as the base, students, philosophers, scholars in various domains and industrial psychologists have made clear the importance of the need for motivation at workplaces or job sites.

They found this concept useful to both explaining human behaviour, particularly in work situations to increase the productivity of workers

Some employees often perform at a high level and need little or no supervision and appear to benefit from what they are doing (their jobs). While other employees perform only at marginal levels, require constant attention and direction, and are often absent from their duty posts.

The question here is how a manager can maintain the high performance of the first group and that of those producing marginally when it comes to being highly productive on the job. Research has recently been established that this variation is caused by the motives of workers whether these employees are high or low in achievement. Motivation makes a real difference by influencing workers to be goal-oriented.

These motives of a worker which influence their work behaviour and increase their performance are classified into intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and help to explain how the force of Secondary Education or any other organization put up either a positive or negative behaviour in the workplace. That is when they are either motivated or demotivated. Intrinsically, motivated behaviours are those that arise from within the individual.

They come about as a result of the individual deriving internal urge or pressure to perform the task he is given within the organization. Glaring examples of intrinsic motivation are the job itself, the desire to make difficult decisions and to do a challenging task. Whereas, extrinsically motivated behaviours are those which arise from outside and individuals. They involve controlling mechanisms to influence and direct employees to be goal-oriented.

They include Laws, rules and regulations, financial rewards and others. Finally, research has, however, proven that for managers to get the best out of their workforce, a combination of both intrinsic and extrinsic factors of motivation is necessary. The management of Secondary Education should therefore employ a combination of these motivation factors in other to better satisfy its, employees, thereby influencing employees to be goal-oriented by improving their performance and productivity.

Haven took a clear look at the problem characterizing the sharp drop in employees’ performance and or productivity at work to be the low motivation of workers at work and since this applies to the Public Service including secondary Education in the South West Region. This, therefore, indicates that to increase working effectiveness and performance, it is important for the management of Secondary Education to; firstly, address several issues including increasing motivation amongst employees, making them feel satisfied with their jobs, and increasing their job-related well-being in general.

Secondly, adjust its reward system or design a new reward system considering the aforementioned reasons for the sharp drop in employees’ performance at work. Furthermore, considering the difference in work as explained above that some workers derive satisfaction from performing their job well ( intrinsic motivation) while others perform well on the job(extrinsic motivation), this shows that the management of secondary Education in the South West  Region should consider these differences in her workforce and also their varying different needs or motives to be able to design a good motivation system that will suit every employee and thereby establishing a harmonious relationship between the workers and Secondary Education in the South West Region as a whole.


Motivation is crucial for Organizations to function without motivation employees will not put up their best and the company’s performance would be less efficient. The phenomenon of productivity and efficiency creates lots of problems in every organization and especially in the Public Service of Cameroon. No organization can achieve its set objective in terms of profit, survival, growth, continuity and the ability to compete favourably with other organizations when its workers are not performing as expected.

Secondary Education will encounter the above problems if better attention is not given to their employees and motivational strategies set towards organizational goals. Surviving and competing favourably with other Organizations will be invalid if its employees are not motivated and this will result in the failure of the organization. Research has proven that the major reasons why workers in different organizations perform below expectation are not being adequately motivated. Therefore, if secondary Education employees are not motivated, they will perform below expectation and some might even leave this organization in search of fulfilling their motives in other organization

As a result of the above, the study seeks to assess “The effects of motivation on employees’ performance in the Public Service of Cameroon” (precisely Secondary Education Regional Delegation).


  • General Research Question

  1. What are the effects of motivation on employees’ performance in the Public Service?

    • Specific Objectives

  2. What are the different types of motivation offered at MINESEC Regional Delegation SWR?

  3. What is the relationship between motivation and employee performance?

  • What are the challenges towards effective motivation practice at MINESEC Regional Delegation SWR?


1.4.1 General Objective

To assess the effects of motivation on employees’ performance in the Public Service

1.3.2 Specific Objectives

  1. i) To identify different type’s motivation offered at MINESEC Regional Delegation SWR
    ii) To examine the relationship between motivation and employee performance.
    iii) To determine challenges towards effective motivation practice at MINESEC Regional Delegation SWR


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