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The responsibility of the management is to enshrine good cultural values which will eliminate negative behavior and enhance the performance of the employees and foster a positive workplace environment or a positive organisation culture. For Davoren (2014) organisational culture consists of a framework which determines the behavior of employees in the organisation. It is a pattern of shared belief, assumptions, values and beliefs that provide the awareness what is considered appropriate and inappropriate behavior in an organisation. Success indicator such as revenue, sales volume, market share, and stock prices leading to realization of organisational goals are the result of employee’s performance as a result of goods organisational culture. Maintaining an organisation culture where employees are recognized as an integral part of the organisation’s growth process result in employee commitment towards the organisation. They are motivated to make positive contribution to the attainment of the goals and objectives of the organisation’s and feel responsible for the overall well-being of the organisation. Consequently, when the management rewards the employees accordingly it leads to employees’ performance and organisational success.

Organisational culture should also take cognizance of the culture of the environment so as not to operate an organisation that is antagonistic to the environment as firm interacts with the wider society. Upholding the wrong culture could result in poor employee performance and organisational failure. The relationship between corporate culture and performance has been the subject of decade’s research in several fields, including strategic management, organisational behavior, and industrial organisation. This study has been examined by many researchers 

(Kotter and Heskett 1992; Denison, 1990; Van der Post et al. 1998; Schwartz and Davis, 1981; Scholz, 1987; Choe, 1993; Rashid and Anantharaman, 1997; Deshpande and Farely, 1999; Ojo, 2009). Despite the plethora of studies on corporate culture in the last few decades, there is no widely accepted causal relationship between corporate culture and performance, the empirical evidence emerging from various studies about the impact of organisational culture on employee’s performance have so far yielded mixed results that are inconclusive and contradictory. Because of this contradictory results, the question of whether organisational culture improve or worsens employee’s performance is still worthy of further research. In addition, despite the existence of these studies, not much research has been given the manufacturing industry. This means that the impact of organisational culture on employee performance in the manufacturing industry such as CDC has not received adequate research attention in Cameroon.

This study was intended to fill this gap by studying the situation of the Cameroon manufacturing industry and providing more empirical evidence on the impact of organisational culture on employee performance. This knowledge gap also comes in the sense that little has been done to bring out the joint effect of the four traits in Denison’s model underlying organisational culture on each of the four measures of employee’s job performance in the manufacturing industry. This study will therefore examine the influence of three of the four traits: involvement, consistence and mission on employee performance in CDC. Therefore, the problem confronting the research is to investigate the impact of organisational culture on employee performance. A case study of Cameroon development corporation CDC Head office Bota-Limbe

The main research questions are;

  • To what extent does the organisational mission as an element of organisational culture influence employee’s performance?
  • What is the extent to which employee involvement as an element of organisational culture influence employees?
  • To what extent does consistence as an element of organizational culture influence employee performance?


organisational culture affect

The main objective of this study is to examine the it employee’s performance.

The specific objectives are as follows;

  • To assess the effect organisational mission as an element of organisational culture on employee performance
  • To analyse the extent to which employee involvement as an element of organisational culture influence employee’s performance.
  • To evaluate the impact of consistence as an element of organisational culture on employee’s performance.


H2 employee involvement has a significant impact on employees’ performance at CDC HI Organisational mission has a significant impact of employee’s performance at CDC

H3 Consistency as an organisational culture has a significant impact on employee’s performance.

1.8       Literature Review

1.8.1    Definition of concept

1.8.2    Theories Mobilize Consistency Theory Involvement Theory Adaptability Theory Mission Theory Theory X and Theory Y

1.9       Methodology

Research Design

A research design provides the framework to be used as a guide in collecting and analyzing data (Cooper and Schindler, 2001). The study assumed a descriptive research design that was triangulated with both qualitative and quantitative tools of analysis. A descriptive design was used because it helps describe characteristics associated with the subject population and explain the variables that exist between these variables in order to provide a picture of a particular phenomenon (Cooper and Schindler, 2003). According to Gill and Johnson (2002), descriptive surveys are concerned primarily with addressing the particular characteristics of a specific population of subjects, either at a fixed point in time or at varying times for comparative purposes. The study will focus on measuring the influence of organizational culture on employee performance at Cameroon development corporation CDC Bota-Limbe. The merge of the two tools of analysis (qualitative and quantitative) was used to establish how respondents perceive organizational culture influences employee job performance.

Data of the study

Design of data collection instrument

A research design provides the framework to be used as a guide in collecting and analyzing data (Cooper and Schindler, 2001). The study assumed a descriptive research design that was triangulated with both qualitative and quantitative tools of analysis. A descriptive design was used because it helps describe characteristics associated with the subject population and explain the variables that exist between these variables in order to provide a picture of a particular phenomenon (Cooper and Schindler, 2003). According to Gill and Johnson (2002), descriptive surveys are concerned primarily with addressing the particular characteristics of a specific population of subjects, either at a fixed point in time or at varying times for comparative purposes. The study will focus on measuring the influence of organizational culture on employee job performance Cameroon development corporation CDC Bota-Limbe. The merge of the two tools of analysis (qualitative and quantitative) was used to establish how respondents perceive organisational culture influences employee job performance.

Data collection

A self-administered questionnaire was used in gathering the data. This is a useful method for collection of primary data and has the advantage of being a low cost option and allows respondents to think about questions (Cooper and Schindler, 2000). The questionnaire was developed by the researcher on the basis of the research questions and it was divided into three sections. Section C; comprised of general information relating to the respondent; section B; is based of appreciation of organisational culture, mission, culture of involvement and organisational consistency; Section C; on employee job performance. In the questionnaire the following traits underpinning its measurements were used: involvement, consistency and mission. Each of these traits has indices, which, according to the Denison model (2009), elaborates each one of them. A Likert scale of very low extent, low extent, moderate, high extent and very high extent was used to measure the extent to which the various respondents agreed or disagreed with the issues raised. In this study, the scale was used to indicate the levels of agreement with the given factors addressing the concept of employee job performance.

The research tool was mostly structured and the respondents were provided with guidelines to ensure that they understood the questions and, therefore, responded suitably. As much as possible, questions in the survey instrument were worded in a closed-ended manner to provide quantitative data as per the researcher’s response category. Owing to the perceived research quality intended in this study, the quantitative methods of data collection were used. The reason for the utilization of this methodology is that tine quantitative method was used to determine the extent/frequency of the perceptions on the variables.

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