Research Key

The protection of the right of the accused under Cameroonian law

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International: $20
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Doctrinal method
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Under the Cameroon criminal justice system, the rights of a suspect or accused person are enshrined in the new criminal procedure code of the Republic of Cameroon of 1“January 2007. Such rights include; the right to a fair hearing, the right during the arrest, the right during searches and seizures, the right to be given humanitarian treatment, the right to visitors, the right to medical care, the right to feeding, the tight to be presumed innocent until he is proved guilty. All these rights are aimed at ensuring that a suspect or accused person is not unjustly dealt with.

Also, the preamble of the Cameroon constitution shed some light on human rights generally in which a suspect or accused person is also a beneficiary. This project is generally channeled toward making sure that the people are fully informed and aware of their rights especially the suspect or accused person and how it could be enforced. This project will not seek to look at the rights generally but most importantly the rights of a suspect or accused person vis-a-vis the relevant provisions in the new criminal procedure code.




1.1 background of the study    

1.2 statement of the problem

1.3 Hypothesis

1.4 research questions

1.5 objectives

1.6 Methodology

1.7 scope of the study     

1.7 justifications and significance of the study  

1.9   literature review     

1.10 definitions of key terms

1.11 Synopsis of chapters   

1.2 Statement of the problem

Even though there is a universal declaration of human rights and the preamble to the constitution of Cameroon and the new CPC, the practicality has not been perfect because of the unlawful treatment of suspects/accused persons in the country. Although every state must have the powers to maintain order and punish criminal acts. It is unlawful to treat a suspect/accused person with impunity because they are being regarded as suspects or accused persons. This clearly shows that the judiciary is aware of the rights of the suspect or accused person and that it is sacrosanct and cannot be taken away unlawfully in this country. The violation of this right is so rampant in Cameroon. These rights are violated via the denial of medical care, arbitrary arrest, and illegal detention, persons involve in the violation are prison administrators, judicial police officers, gendarmes, and other forces of law and order. Judges who refuse the right to bail are also involved in the violation

1.3 hypotheses

It is hypothesized that the protection of the right of the accused person under Cameroonian law is not effective, because of a lack of good mechanisms to enforce the respect of the right of the accused person thereby defeating the very purpose of administration of justice.

1.4 Research questions

Taking cognizance of the above-mentioned statement of the problem, one is pushed to ask certain fundamental questions which the research proceeds to answer.

Main research question

What is the extent to which the right of the accused person in Cameroon is protected?

Specific questions

  1. what are the fundamental guarantees on the protection of the right of the accused in Cameroon?
  2. what are the measures put in place for the protection of the right of the accused in Cameroon?
  3. What are the limitations on the protection of the right of the accused?

1.5 objectives of the study               

Main objective

To examine the extent to which the right of the accused is protected in Cameroon

Specific objectives 

     More specifically, we wish to 

  1. To examine the fundamental guarantees on the protection of the right of the accused in Cameroon;
  2. To analyze the measures put in place to safeguard the rights of the accused in Cameroon; and
  3. To provide the limitations and way forward on the protection of the right of the accused in Cameroon



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