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This study was undertaken to identify the “the role of lecturer’s on learners performance in Cameroon university institutions”. To go through this study, variables were formulated in the form of questions which were later put in questionnaires. Works of other author were reviewed under the variables of the study. The research design used was the survey research design. The population comprised of (30) 20, 15, 25, 10. students each from the department of public administration (DPA) levels 300 and the department of political science (PS ) master students in the University of Buea. The data collected was analyzed using simple percentages. From the data collected, the findings revealed the following;

The role lecturer play in learners performance in Cameroon university institutions. students’ level of motivational has a positive effect on the academic performance in the Cameroon University institutions finally, students performance are being affected positive due to lecturers great effort.


Any educational institution is backed up by well-trained teachers, lecturer, Doctors, professors etc. who have the knowledge to impact learners, the quality of output produces by any nation is dependent on the quality of teacher. In this chapters we will be discussing the background of the study statement of the problem, objective of the study, research questions, research hypothesis, justification, theoretical framework, definition of terms, and the organization of the work.

1.1 Background to the study
Education according to C.V. Good, (1973) is the aggregate of all processes by means of which people develop abilities, altitude, and reforms behaviors that are of a positive value to them and to the society learners’ performance has always been considering to be influenced by teachers or lecturer. The role that lecturers play in student academic performance over the years have been very important in Cameroon universities. It is important to say that lecturer or teachers play a very significant role in determining the quality of education that learners receive from lecturers or teachers are great determinants in ensuring good academic performance no wander it is said that teacher is a very important resource in any educational systems.

According to Aina Ogundele and Olanipekun 2013, of all resources in educational systems the most vital educational resources are the teachers. Obadara (2005) Opined that lectures are highly essential for the successful operation of the educational system and serves as a key to educational development. Recent efforts to reform education according to (The Draft Document of the Sector Wide Approach/Education) have been largely focused upon issues such as improving curriculum and ensuring that highly qualified teachers or lecturers are occupying our nations. The constructivist theory according to constructivist belief student have control over, and regulate their own learning processes. It is expected that teacher should help student build their own personal understanding and knowledge and that teachers should empower their student to grow which will also improve their performance.

This theory is highly applicable in this context because it shows the great role lecturers plays in learners’ performance. Also some theory’s such as the Bandura social learning theory which say that teachers can motivate students extrinsically through positive reinforcement teachers can also help boost students intrinsic motivation and self-efficacy through verbal persuasion, positive reinforcement and constructive feedback. Gagne’s work (1985Conceptually, Nicole (2006) suggested that, the overall condition of a classroom affects students’ motivation level of learning, result as a result of overcrowding, sitting position.

Schools which make provision for adequate space for teaching learning, clean and in good physical condition have better teachers and principals. A teacher could teach better in a school with adequate classroom condition. Nicole further explains that students’ personal behaviors and conducts in the teaching learning process is influence by the condition of the class room they can study well in a class that is not congested, neat and in good condition which will leads to an increase in their performance.

However one of the most important influencing factors is the lecturer. In Ruggeri et al (2008) it is claimed that the greatest determining factor on attitudes and on the overall experience of the course was the lecturer/professor.
As such, the improvement of our nation’s higher educational infrastructure is one area where the problem is severe and the solution seems obvious and direct. If a goal of educational leadership is to affect student academic achievement in a positive manner, we must determine the extent to which students in Cameroon University believe they are adversely affected by their physical learning environment. There exists an imbalance in the distribution of universities in all the 10 regions of
Cameroon. According to (The Draft Document of the Sector Wide

Approach/Education of Cameroon), there are 7 state universities out of 10 regions in Cameroon which is not enough to contain the rapid population growth in the country. Apart from these state universities are also private universities which are attended by well to do students from rich homes who can afford the fees while students from poor backgrounds only go to state universities because of the affordability of the school fees of not more than 65 and 50 thousands.

Contextually, Education system Republic of Cameroon (1st edition November 2008),An overwhelming number of 70% students in Cameroonian schools and universities in particular are being educated in inadequate classrooms and deteriorating school facilities not conducive to increasing student motivation and/or academic achievement. In the absence of adequate, appropriate and safe educational facilities in which students can access the tools to confidently pursue their education, it is unreasonable to expect tremendous gains in areas of student conduct, motivation and/or achievement, as inadequate physical learning environments may adversely affect students.

According to Adedeji 1998. Student performance is a major indices by which the effectiveness and success of any educational institution could be ascertained. A lot of researchers and scholars are of the view that poor academic performance in some institution, is a product of the teacher factor, school factor, home factor and institutional factor. According to John Dewey teachers have the responsibility to structure educational environment in ways that promote educative learning experience?
Adedeji (2008) advocated that performance is a measure of educational output.

Academic performance can be viewed as the extent to which an individual learner acts or does a piece of work, how well or poor he/she does the job or the activities within a learning process. Poor performance however can be regarded as having performed below the required academic performance. Charles (1994), referred to poor performance as performance that fall below the desired standard.
The authors (Ruggeri et al, 2008) highlight that negative attitudes can occur due to fear of the lecturer: sometimes students act as if they were working not to look uncomprehending in the lecturer’s view.

Moreover, attitudes affect the achievements of statistics courses (Emmioglu & Capa-Aydin, 2012), so lecturers can influence performance indirectly too
According to Hanover Research (2011), Flexible learning space allow for interactions and collaborative work, which are fundamental to the development of 21st century skill: communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity. It is in this light that the researcher seeks to investigate the role of lecturers on students’ academic performance in Cameroon University institution.

1.2 Statement of the Problem
It has been observed in the recent past that learners in most Cameroon university institutions are not living up to their expectations in delivering quality output expected of them.
A lot of problems seem to be devilling the learners ranging from inadequate facilities, large class size, in adequate classroom, lack of microphone, lecturers attitude, the way lecturers interact with learners, and, their method of teaching there by making the learners to performance poorly. the universities and the lecturers need to be effective so as to be able to deliver the quality education expected of them at every point in time .Although most often learners try to always manage the available infrastructures, materials, lecturer, and space .

All this problem listed up is of a great concern to student and to the university as a whole. The inadequate in restructure, the teaching, method, lecturer attitude the level of motivation, the large class size and it impact on learners’ performance in Cameroon university institutions need to be address. In order to improve learners academic performance in Cameroon university.
1.3 Objectives of the Study

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