Research Key

The Role of Training and Development on Employees' Performance In the Case of Swavib Buea

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This study intended to establish the role of training and development on employee’s performance (the case of south west association of village barn). The overall objective was to determine how training and development influences employees’ performance, employee’s motivation and job satisfaction. The study adopted both the positive and the null hypothesis that training and development has significance effect on employees. The study adopted descriptive research design with the used of questionnaires and obtained information from fifteen (15) respondents from the staffs of SWAVIB. A statistical package of social science (SPSS) was used to analyze quantitative data while data was presented using statistical techniques such as tables, graphs and also chats was used to interpret the hypothesis. The result indicate that training and development is of importance in the organization. It was also realizing that the method used in the operational planning was very effective and improved employee performance and this was also characterized with lots of challenges. Finally, the result revealed that training and development play a positive role on employee’s performance, motivation and job satisfaction. Among recommendations made, where that potential and present employees should all be treated fairly in the operational process, more so employees must be appraised constantly to ensure they improve upon their performance.






1.1 Background of the Study


The concept of training can be traced back in history when the output of many companies was not significant despite the availability of raw material to be use. It was not still appreciated till after the Second World War when it was largely appreciated in Europe and later in Africa.


After the 2nd world war, organization have come to realized that without


training they cannot succeed, this made them to start emphasizing on training. First organizations in United State started giving training to their employee. In 1910s, some corporations (General Electric, Westinghouse, International Harvester) came up with factory schools to train their employees in order to develop their technical skills as they realized the importance of training and development event although few researchers disagree about the importance of training and development on the success of organization because it involves huge cost that may affect prioritization.


The main object of every organisation is to improve its performance but it can never be possible without the efficient performance of employees. Therefore, the performance management system came into effect as a management reform to address and redress concerns organizations had on it performance (Sharif, 2002). In organisations, a wide range of reforms that focus on the performance have also been implemented (Downs, Chadbourn, & Hogan, 2000; Gleeson & Husbands, 2001).


Performance refers to the accomplishment of something or mere working effectively. In an organization, performance is realized at the levels of organisation process and individuals and the interrelationships among these will define the vantage points of the organisation. In contributing to the overall goal of the organisation, training and development processes are implemented as this benefits not just the organisation but also the employees of the organisation. For organisation, training and development leads to improved profitability while cultivating more positive attitudes toward profit orientation while for individuals, training and development improve job, knowledge while also helping in identifying with the goals of the organisation. Training and development is defined as the planned learning experiences that teach employees how to perform current and future jobs.


At its core is the improvement in the performance of individuals participating in training and development activities. Learning is achieved through training and development which therefore means to be translated as an organisational resource by which employees acquire, infer and are utilized. As such, performance contributes to the growth of the organisation specifically since they can implement in combination competences and expertise acquired through training and development.


Further, training and development and how it impacts the performance of the employees in the business setting have received a significant attention from the researchers. Training plays an important role in the achievement of an organisational goal by incorporating the interests of organisation and the workforce (Stone R J. Human Resource Management, 2002). Nowadays training is the most important factor in the business world because training increases the efficiency and the effectiveness of both employees and the organisation. The employee performance depends on various factors. Training is important to enhance the capabilities of employees. The employees who have more on-the-job experience have better performance because there is an increase in both skills & competencies because of more on the job experience (FakharUlAfaq, Anwar Khan). Training also has impact on the return on investment (Richard Chang Associates, INC.)


1.2. Statement of the Problem


Being in an environment where there is high competition, uncertainty tends to present organisations with high risk. The knowledge of business and market intelligence present organisations with a reliable competitive advantage over those that do not have such (Jelena, 2007). The Banking Sector in Cameroon is experiencing a fast growth rate of Microfinance Institution and the closure of so many of them. The world is fast growing now with the coming of technology that has made the world to be like a small village. The Business world has become so competitive that micro finance institution need to adapt to the computerise system in other to continue existing so this has given me the interest to go for research to investigate if some of this closure is as a result of poor training. However, Training and development may also have internal as well as external consequences. Yet, the potential impact of Training and development on internal human resource (HR) aspects has received only minimal interest from researchers. This research is out to presents the results of a study that explored the impact of training and development on employees’ performance in micro financial institution. The logical sub-question may thus be asked to better address the research problem above.


1.3. Research Objectives


The main objective of this studies is to examine the role of training and development on employee performance.


1.3.1 Specific Objectives


To examine the perception of employee regarding training and development.

To evaluate the role of training and development on employee motivation.

To suggest necessary recommendation

To examine the extern to which training and development bring job satisfaction to employee.

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