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Law project topics for undergraduate and post-graduate students in Cameroon

100 best sample Law project topics for undergraduate and post-graduate students in Cameroon

Law project topics for undergraduate and post-graduate students in Cameroon

  1. The special criminal court and the fight against embezzlement of the public funds in Cameroon
  2. The peacekeeping role of the UN in Cameroon
  3. The protection of civilians in time of war
  4. Succession law in Cameroon
  5. Repression of international crimes by the ICC
  6. The right to a fair trial
  7. Extraterritoriality in criminal law
  8. Gender equality and the protection of women’s rights to employment in Cameroon
  9. The protection of internally displaced persons in Cameroon
  10. The fate of unlawfully detained persons in Cameroon
  11. Freedom of worship in Cameroon
  12. Winding up of a company under the OHADA uniform act and common law
  13. An appraisal of child abuse in Cameroon
  14. An appraisal of the right to Freedom of expression
  15. A legal appraisal of pretrial detention in Cameroon
  16. A legal framework for combating terrorism in Cameroon
  17. An appraisal of the role of The African Commission on human rights in the protection of people’s rights
  18. Medical doctor liability in Cameroon
  19. Protection of children’s rights in Africa
  20. Corporate personality under the OHADA uniform act
  21. The right of women to inheritance in Cameroon
  22. The right to privacy in Cameroon
  23. The role of the judiciary in combating human trafficking in Cameroon
  24. A legal procedure in the commencement of probate actions in both testate and intestate succession
  25. Genocide in Africa and its effects on women and children
  26. The rights of legitimate and illegitimate children in Cameroon
  27. The role of the executive and legislative powers in budgetary matters in Cameroon
  28. The rights of legitimate and illegitimate children in Cameroon
  29. The role of the executive and legislative powers in budgetary matters in Cameroon
  30. The enforceability of motor vehicle insurance in Cameroon
  31. The effectiveness of oil and gas code in Cameroon
  32. A comparative analysis of common law wills and Islamic law wills in Anglophone Cameroon
  33. The protection of the right of the accused under Cameroonian law
  34. A legal analysis of the Maputo Protocol and its impact on women’s right in Cameroon
  35. The protection of the right of the vulnerable in Cameroon (case study on children and the elderly 
  36. a legal procedure in the commencement of probate actions in both testate and intestate succession
  37. land tenure system in Cameroon
  38. Commencement of civil action in the court of record of Anglophone Cameroon
  39. The role of the sheriff/bailiff in the service of summons in Cameroon
  40. The registration of enterprises in Cameroon
  41. property rights of spouses after divorce in Anglophone Cameroon
  42. The role of the bailiff in the service of summons in Cameroon
  43. Human right protection under the Cameroon criminal procedure code
  44. Is the law of defamation effectively protecting the media as the public watch
  45. Conciliation in divorce proceedings under the Cameroonian law
  46. The consequences of abortion on a girl child in Cameroon
  47. the competence of the court of the first instance in juvenile offences
  48. The formation of small enterprises under the OHADA law
  49. The unconstitutionality of the constitution
  50. The application of the law in relation to Genocide in Cameroon
  51. Trespass to land under Cameroonian law
  52. Rape in the Cameroonian penal code
  53. The role of the constitutional council in Election Disputes in Cameroon
  54. The breakdown of marriage in Anglophone Cameroon
  55. The role of the UN in dispute resolution
  56. Judicial delays in the administration of justice in Cameroon
  57. The role of the united nations and regional organizations in resolving disputes in international law.  Case study of Congo
  58. The protection of children against child trafficking in Cameroon
  59. Matrimonial succession under Cameroonian law.  the case of the Kom community
  60. Divorce and the welfare of children in Cameroon
  61. The right to a fair trial in Cameroon criminal law
  62. Disputes relating to nationality.  The case of dual nationality in Cameroon
  63. The consolidation of habeas corpus in criminal matters in Cameroon
  64. Cyber criminality as a new form of organized crime that effects E-commerce in Cameroon
  65. E-Commerce and international trade. A legal appraisal
  66. The position of the minors as to succession in Cameroon
  67. The protection of children’s right under international law
  68. The protection of a worker against wrongful dismissal under the Cameroonian labour code
  69. The role of coercion in the preparatory phase of a criminal trial
  70. Divorce under Cameroonian law and its effects on the contemporary Cameroonian society
  71. An appraisal of the 2014 terrorism law in Cameroon
  72. The protection of women and children in armed conflict in Cameroon
  73. The doctrine of non-intervention in international law
  74. The fight against child trafficking in Cameroon
  75. The protection of teachers against violence in the school milieu. A legal appraisal
  76. The protection of minors under the Cameroonian penal code
  77. The protection of the health of workers under the Cameroonian labour code
  78. The protection of the girl child from domestic violence
  79. The admissibility of evidence under Cameroonian law
  80. The protection of the rights of non-combatants under international humanitarian law: the case of the Anglophone crisis
  81. An appraisal of the material and territorial competence of court with original jurisdiction in Cameroon
  82. Women and the right to work in Cameroon
  83. A legal appraisal on conditions of a valid marriage in southern Cameroon.
  84.  The contribution of the African Union in settling disputes in Africa.
  85. A legal approach to combating violence against women under the Cameroonian legal system.
  86. The protection of women rights to health under international humanitarian law; a case study of Cameroon.
  87.  An examination of vitiating factors of a contract under English law.
  88. The context of separation of powers in Cameroon; a legal appraisal.
  89. The fight against corruption in international law.
  90.  The role of the international criminal court in preventing crimes against humanity.
  91. The maintenance of a surviving spouse under succession  Law
  92. The principle of universality under the international criminal court.
  93.  The rule of the tribunal with exceptional jurisdiction in the administration of justice in Cameroon.
  94. The structure of the court and their jurisdictions in Cameroon.
  95. The fight against child trafficking in Cameroon.
  96. The protection of the right of disabled persons in Cameroon.
  97. Desolation of customary and property adjustment under Cameroonian law.
  98.  The protection of employees wages under Cameroonian labour  law
  99. The impact of cyber criminality on the economy of Cameroon.
  100. The role of trade unions in the protection of employees in Cameroon.
  101. The legal regime of the management  of untitled  or customary family  land in Anglophone Cameroon
  102. Terrorism as a crime in Cameroon.
  103. The problem of ownership of land under customary law
  104. Analyzing pre-employment contract under the Cameroonian law
  105. The legal framework established in Cameroon for the protection of women’s right. Capital murder under the Cameroon penal code.
  106.  Adoption and custody of children under English law.
  107. The fight against corruption in Cameroon, a legal appraisal.
  108. The influence of the executive power on the judiciary in Cameroon, a legal appraisal.
  109.  An analysis of master servant relationship under Cameroonian law
  110. The impact of monogamous marriages on both spouses in Anglophone Cameroon. Employee’s liability under the Cameroon labour code.
  111. Alternative dispute resolution on marriage disputes
  112. Preliminary inquiry to facilitate justice in Cameroon.
  113. The acquisition of property under customary and statutory law in Cameroon.
  114. The procedure of adoption n in Anglophone Cameroon.
  115. Illegal arrest and detention of citizens in Anglophone Cameroon. 
  116. The custody of children under statutory law in Cameroon. 
  117. The respect of human right during the administration of criminal justice in Cameroon.
  118. Corporate social responsibility  in Cameroon

Law project topics for undergraduate and postgraduate students in Cameroon

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Law project topics for undergraduate and post-graduate students in Cameroon

Law project topics for undergraduate and post-graduate students in Cameroon Law project topics for undergraduate and post-graduate students in Cameroon Law project topics for undergraduate and post-graduate students in Cameroon

Law project topics for undergraduate and post-graduate students in Cameroon Law project topics for undergraduate and post-graduate students in Cameroon

Law project topics for undergraduate and post-graduate students in Cameroon Law project topics for undergraduate and post-graduate students in Cameroon

Law project topics for undergraduate and post-graduate students in Cameroon Law project topics for undergraduate and post-graduate students in Cameroon

Law project topics for undergraduate and post-graduate students in Cameroon Law project topics for undergraduate and post-graduate students in Cameroon

Law project topics for undergraduate and post-graduate students in Cameroon Law project topics for undergraduate and post-graduate students in Cameroon

Law project topics for undergraduate and post-graduate students in Cameroon Law project topics for undergraduate and post-graduate students in Cameroon

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4 years ago

Wow fantastic. The topics are good. This will go a long way in helping law students in their long essays.

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