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Cybercrime And Its Effects On Youths: A Case Study: Molyko Youths

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This research work explores the relevant patterns of cybercrime and its effects on the youths and the future planning of youths to engage against cybercrime. Realizing the importance of these two issues, cybercrime and its effects has been undertaken to provide objective data, information and taking appropriate measures to improve the present condition.   Cybercrime define as a criminal offence involving a computer as the object of the crime, or the tool used to commit a material component of the offence



This study empirically investigate the present feature of cyber criminality its nature, types, causes, and its effects and relationship between cybercrime and Internet users and measure the victims of cybercrime. It is done by a questionnaire, survey which is included open-ended and close ended question on 80 respondent, contained socio-demographic characteristic, patterns of crime, determine the harmful condition, open opinion and analysis the causal factors among them.  In conclusion we agreed that a general remedial measure which is more effective in re-orientating and empowering the youths to positively utilizes their internet skill. Thus, curbing cybercrime would require a process of utilizing inter Cyber-crime in all of its forms is one of the fastest growing areas of criminality.  More and more criminals are exploiting the speed; convenience and anonymity that modern technologies offer to commit a diverse range of crimes, including attacks against computer data and systems, identity theft, the distribution of child sexual abuse images, and Internet auction fraud. The global nature of the Internet allows criminals to commit almost any illegal activity anywhere in the world, which makes it essential for all countries to adapt their domestic offline controls to cover crimes carried out in cyberspace.

Let’s look at the dictionary definition of Cybercrime:

“It is a criminal activity committed on the internet. This is a broad term that describes everything from electronic cracking to denial of service attacks that cause electronic commerce sites to lose money”.

The following working definition has increasingly been accepted by Canadian law enforcement agencies: “a criminal offence involving a computer as the object of the crime, or the tool used to commit a material component of the offence. 

“Generally speaking, based on the definition created by the Canadian Police College and by other research sources (Carter: 1995; Davis and Hutchison: 1997), there are two broad categories of cyber-crime.

The first category is defined where the computer is the tool of the crime.  This category includes crimes that law enforcement has been fighting in the physical world but now is seeing with increasing frequency on the Internet.  Some of these crimes include child pornography, criminal harassment, fraud, intellectual property violations and the sale of illegal substances and goods.

The second category is defined where the computer is the object of the crime.  Cyber-crime consists of specific crimes dealing with computers and networks. These are new crimes that are specifically related to computer technology and the Internet.  For example, hacking or unauthorized use of computer systems, defacing websites, creation and malicious dissemination of computer viruses. In addition to cyber-crime, there is also “computer-supported crime” which covers the use of computers by criminals for communication and document or data storage. This type of crime is not included in the definition of cyber-crime used in this report. (Carter: 1995; Davis and Hutchison: 1997)

The terms “computer crime”, “computer-related crime”, “high-tech crime”, “cyber-crime” and “Internet crime” are often used interchangeably when police and other information sources are discussed.

Crimes committed primarily through Internet contact include: credit card fraud, identity theft, child pornography, indecent chat-room behavior.  Cybercrime is a term used broadly to describe criminal activity in which computers or networks are a tool, a target, or a place of criminal activity. These categories are not exclusive and many activities can be characterized as falling in one or more categories.

Computer crime has been defined as ‘any illegal act fostered or facilitated by a computer, whether the computer is an object of a crime, an instrument used to commit a crime, or a repository of evidence related to a crime’ (Royal Canadian Mounted Police, 2000).  Some of the most prominent types include child pornography. Software piracy and network security breaches. (Royal Canadian Mounted Police, 2000)

Finally this research will present some patterns of cybercrime and its effects and consequences of this crime in specific region i.e. MBSTU area within the student of all department who relates to this type crimes.

1.2. Statement of the problem

Cyber criminology or computer crime is a form of crime where the internet or computer is used as tools to commit this crime. Some causes or factor which is a contributory factor to cybercrime involves the capacity to store data in comparatively small space, easy to access, complexity to do work, negligence and loss of evidence.

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