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Training is a process were by individuals acquire knowledge, skill and attitude through experience, reflection, study or instruction.
Training is also planned process to modify attitude, knowledge, skill, behaviour, etc. through learning acquire effective performance in an activity or range of activities.

The purpose of training is to develop the ability of an individual to satisfy current and future manpower needed to supplement education or to train for taking up higher responsibilities.
Training is available for both new and existing staff of any organisation, although the new recruit might already have appropriate skill and good attitude in all profile, human capital development will help to sharpen both areas so that better performance can be achieved both new and existing staff even well-established staff may need skill refinement and upgrading.
Human capital development may be formal or informal.

Some organisations invest in and develop their own high quality training facilities and run a regular series of introductory and refresher courses in house.

This has the advantage of ensuring that the training is relevant to the organization and its business as well as signifying an on-going commitment to staff development.
Formal and Informal training appears to have existing as long as origin of man and this has been accorded varied status in human life.

With advantage in knowledge, practice and technology, training and manpower development have become sophisticated and resource consuming.

It has also been stressed that training and manpower development is an art and a science in its own right.

Hence, an attempt at establishing the actual meaning and manpower development be beneficial to us at this point.
According to Hassling (1971) “training is sequence behaviour in other to attain a stated objective”.

In the same vein, M. Turrel (1980) defined manpower development as the way in which a person’s performance and potentials are development by training and education.
Education itself is the systematic instruction given for the development of character and mental powers.

It is the basic form of training given for the enlighten of the mind through the process of social facilitation.

In fact, education, training and development are distinguishable but not separable as a result of their close interrelationship and interdependence.

The human resources available to an organisation constitutes its life wire and therefore the need for its training and retraining for efficient performance has become a major importance to management of all type of work and organization. The centrepiece of any organization is the workforce.

Hence, the need for adequate training and development of its entire of its entire workforce should be paramount.
For these reason that the banking industry lay so much emphasis on training and development so as to be able to meet the demand of its numerous customers.

The banking industry in Nigeria is no longer what it used to be.

There is high rate of competition in both the first and generation banks.

As a result of this trend the need for adequate training and its manpower development so as to be able to meet the challenges and the sophisticate nature of their numerous customers.

Banks as we know are not charity or gratuitous organization. They are established to make profit via-a-vis contributing to the economic development of the society.

For all of these to be achieved, training and retraining of the entire workforce as well as its manpower development as well as its manpower development should be their main focus.

This will enable them to meet the expectation of their customers through quick service delivery.

From the above there is no doubt that successful training or manpower development programme id of major importance and would be beneficial first to the trained manpower, the organization and the society at large.
However, it is worth mentioning that a training and manpower development programme that fulfils the desired end of a product of certain processes and practices.
To train is always with a purpose.

It is a means for maintenance and improvement for the level of performance of a person in a section or a development.

Training costs money in terms of time and resources. Therefore, training as tool of management should be used judiciously and the knowledge acquired should be applied.

There must be a direct relationship between performance problem that are business priorities and the training event that are used to overcome the problem.

The impact of training is for upgrading performance e.g. improved layout of plant and equipment, improved system and procedures, restructuring of job, etc. any job has training implication but it should be ensured that when training is proposed it is cost effective

There has been a growing emphasis on professionalism, growing, bureaucracy, competitive growth, rise in the education level with demand for better leadership, all throw the need for a better equipped workforce.

As a result of the growing rate of competition in the banking industry in Nigeria there has been a growing need for mechanization and automation of the banking process and procedures.

They employment of high technologically based service delivery the sophisticated nature and development inevitable.

There is a new trend blowing across the world that is globalisation, e-commerce, e-banking and universal banking.

All of these pose challenges to the twenty first century bankers.

And all of these innovations need great skill to be able to meet future objectives of the organization became all of them are operated through online. And these need training and retraining of the entire workforce so as to be able to bridge the gap which may exist as a result of these new inventions.

The banking industry in Nigeria has been revolutionized. The banks have all been restructured according to their various capacities.
Hi-tech equipment has been employed to carryout daily transaction with ease.

But the problem here is that the personnel to handle these advance system require to as well as development so as to be able to meet the required standard of performance.
Considering the financial implications of training the growing concern here is how often with all these banks training their personnel in skill acquisition so as to be able to various position and responsibilities. Another problem is the feeling of job insecurity amongst various categories of staff as a result of automation of operation.

Another problem area we have is the sustenance of these developments.
Manager define an objective as an intent communicated by a statement describing a proposed change in a learner, a statement of what the learner is to be like when he has what the learner is to be like when he has successfully completed learning experience.
Training and manpower development objective are very important in that they assist the personnel assigned to the training department to accomplishment of desired result as well as focus their activities towards the training department.

Besides, in the absence of clear objectives, special training objective also prevent them from spending their time and energies on irrelevant matters.

The objectives of training are associated with overall goal and priorities and must be realistic practicable, meaningful and quantifiable.

Others include involvement of all concerned, coverage of key result areas, and finally it must be communicated.

The objective of this study is to identify the primary objective of training in an organization as that of ensuring the efficiency and the most optimal use of its human resources.

Generally, there are principal objectives training the bases of which are training policies, strategies and action.

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